Session I

  • The Culturally Relevant - by Emily Lim
  • Many people don't want to come to church or wanna be Christian because Christianity seems irrelevant, outdated, and old fashioned. The face of Christianity must change and is changing. Come to this workshop, if you want to learn practical ways to evangelize, discover God on your own and be a culturally relevant Christian.


  • Worship Workshop I - by the Hendrickson Family

  • The Christian Samurai - by Quoc Nguyen
  • The word Samurai means servant. The Word Minister means servant. In a world where everyone wants to be top dog and everyone wants to be served we must fight to have the attitude of the Samurai, the attitude of a servant. We must follow the greatest Master of all, Jesus, who came not be served but to serve. In this workshop we will talk about the heart of a servant.


  • Identity -- I am an Asian American - by Phil Yien
  • For those of us who don't attend schools where there is.a large Asian American student populations, we may be labeled as "one of the Asian kids" by white classmates. For those of us who do, one day we may move to an area of the U.S. where we are seen first as "Asian" and not "American". Does it matter? Should it matter? Do we embrace our cultural heritage or do we deny it? To what level? Why did God put us in these particular families and bodies with these specific ethnic features? Was it, as in Esther 4:14, "for such a time as this"? Does God have a special plan for us? Learning to embrace and discover our unique calling as Chinese-American Christians may help us fulfill our destinies!


  • "We're F.O.B.ulous!" 神對1.5代新移民和海外學子的心意 - by James Wang
  • (Session in Chinese)

    沉浸於西方教育文化的薰陶,腳踏於華人崛起的時代,身為1.5代新移民和海外學子,正在一個前所未有的機會中。身為FOB (Fresh Of the Boat) 的我們,容易因為覺得語言不如人起步較晚而產生消極自悲的心態﹔因為背景特殊,而感到無人了解,孤單寂寞。殊不知,上帝 對於我們這一代的海外青年卻有偉大又榮耀的計畫。來參加此講座,你將看見你並不孤單,你不是那角落裡的唯一。來參加這講座,你將發現 你很重要,你是那上帝偉大計畫中的重要器皿。歡迎1.5代的新移民和海外學子前來參加。"YES! We're F.O.B.ulous!"

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